Recent journalism on Mexico in English

I recently asked friends and colleagues on my personal Facebook page to recommend recent journalism on Mexico in English; the goal was to revise and update the last two weeks of my "Modern Mexico" syllabus for the coming semester (the course has a significant journalism component).  I thought I'd share the list as the inaugural post in this new blog.  

Here are the recommendations I have collected so far, in no particular order.  Thanks to all who contributed to this list (Michael Lettieri, Patrick Timmons, Alaina Harkness, Elizabeth O'Brien, Kate McGurn Centellas, Theresa Braine, Ulysses de la Torre, Brian Palmer-Rubin).

In a different class this semester, I am teaching Alfredo Corchado's stunning memoir, Midnight in Mexico (2014).  See also his reporting for the Dallas Morning News.

See also the ongoing work to bring Mexican journalism to English-speaking audiences:

I will update this list if/when I receive further recommendations.